counterfeit fraud

Fraudsters continue to use various nefarious methods to defraud liquor businesses and consumers...

The scenario: A fraudster acquires large amounts of real $1 bills. He then goes through the process...

Counterfeit detection continues to be one of the most crucial steps a brick-n-mortar operation can...

Enter 2022. The technological landscape is ever evolving and with it, payment methods. More and...

You detected counterfeit bills in the back office? Great! But it’s too late…

Just how prevalent is Credit Card Fraud today? The Federal Trade Commission’s Annual Data Book of...

At this point, the concept of identity theft has thoroughly pervaded our popular lexicon and...

Employees tasked with running cash registers and point of sale (POS) systems are a store’s first...

A quick perusal of recent news stories using the keyword “counterfeit money” reveals the most...

Two Packages, $136K of Counterfeit Currency CBP Officers in Chicago Seize Shipments Containing...

It is often said that the act of counterfeiting money is as old as money itself. No matter the type...

Cashiers and Tellers Report Unable to “Feel” whether Money is Real or Not During our twenty years...

Several weeks ago, we began getting calls from a few clients asking us whether specific versions of...

Counterfeit money, of course, can be used to swindle real money and products from businesses, but...

Image of a Series 1928 Federal Reserve Note • TABLE OF CONTENTS •A Brief Background on U.S....

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •Why You Need to be Vigilant about Checking MoneyNaked Eye vs. Counterfeit...

On November 17, U.S. Secret Service revealed that $30 million in counterfeit money had been...

Just a little over 5 months into 2016 and there are already multiple discoveries of counterfeit...

Ever since the signing of an armistice in 1953 that put a stop to the fighting in the Korean War,...

On April 20, Jacob J. Lew, the Secretary of the Treasury, announced that a redesign of the $20 bill...

For decades, Colombia was known as the world leader in counterfeit money production. For the last...

Identity fraud is rampant. Just perform a Google search on the term and the evidence to support...

It was last year that I heard a prominent loss prevention professional - a name that many in the...

According to a March 11, 2015 Secret Service estimate, 0.25% of money that is currently in...

Can you tell which twenty is fake? The twenty on top is real and the twenty on the bottom is...

Photo by Whym via Wikimedia Commons

A criminal that has your information can take over your life in a variety of different ways: he...

You may have noticed that new debit cards and credit cards are being issued with a visible...
Scientists out of the National University of Singapore have found a method of utilizing nanohole...

Counterfeit money has been around as long as authentic money. Even some of the very first western...

Accurate identification papers are essential to safeguarding financial and legal transactions as...
Counterfeiting and identity theft are major concerns for the public, and safety of private...

For as long as governing bodies have released official documents and notes, counterfeiting has been...

Recently, in Brooklyn, a man successfully made a $1,500 purchase using fake identification at a...

In 2013, the U.S. government says it recovered more than $88 million in counterfeit currency in the...

At some point, every business should ask itself, “What is the easiest way to prevent fraud from...

Recently, a news story was featured on CBS 2 News Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that highlights the...

The busiest shopping day of the year is approaching, Black Friday. Businesses are expecting their...

Astonishing expose published in GQ Magazine I read a very fascinating article published in GQ this...

The holiday season is nearing meaning the busiest time of the year for retail businesses is...

The usage of fake IDs in an in environment like a Gentlemen’s Club typically is for underage...

Black market websites, located in the “deep web” are known for supplying sophisticated criminals-...

Earlier this year, the European Central Bank (ECB) revealed that a record 670,000 counterfeit notes...

I get news-clippings everyday from Google. It's quite amazing, actually, this ability to have a...

Warning:The following information is scary. Stop reading now unless you have a robust identity...

We have written much on the subject of the Modern Face of Identity Theft, and howtechnological...

Trading Electrons The latest term trending in the financial world is cryptocurrency. Loosely...

Reports Already Coming-In about the New $100 note "falling apart'

Our nuclear plants have become like mini-fortresses following 9/11. Concerns over attacks on land...

The United States has launched a new $100 bill as of October 8, 2013, the first remake of the...

Yet Another Production Delay may Affect Release Date for New $100 Bill New Anti-Counterfeiting...

Every day, I get news clippings - courtesy of Google news - on the topic of counterfeit money. The...

Over the past 14 months, the Bank of Canada has released a series of newly designed banknotes. The...

I really can't give the Federal Reserve or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing a hard time. The...

I read an interesting Article yesterday on Motley Fool, one of the sites where I go for relevant...

Bank Secrecy Act compliance is more important than ever to companies that deal with “covered...

Peru Supplies 1/3 of all Counterfeits in U.S. Last month Peruvian authorities, in conjunction with...

Knowing how to spot fake money is a skill that every cash handler should know. With advances in...

Many of our customers ask us - Why is the UV security feature on the $100 bill more difficult to...

As technology advances and as more people become aware of the simplicity of digital

If Internet conversation is any indication, businesses and consumers continue to harbor fears of...

Here are three easy steps you can take, right now, with no cost and very little time investment...

"Get Money" isn't just a song by The Notorious B.I.G.

Passing Counterfeit Money Through Retailers is a Multimillion Dollar Industry Every year,...

No Update From the Treasury Since June 2011 The U.S. Treasury has yet to announce a release date...

For as long as people have used paper currency, there have been attempts to counterfeit it. In...

The best way to detect a counterfeit bill often depends on the context, such as the type of...

Most people associate the United States Secret Service with the protection of the President and...

Counterfeit currency. Not something most of us think about. We think we know what it is and some...

Loss. Whether it happens in the form of shoplifting, cash register shortages, product shrinkage...

In today's economy, organization - from "mom and pop" stores to giant retailers - are looking for...

Desktop publishing to make money: A simple business concept used either to supplement income or...

Judging by the number of Google searches devoted to it, counterfeit money continues to be a big...

Counterfeit money. According to the United States Secret Service, $261 million in counterfeit...

The world has changed much since September 11, 2001. Awareness of how fragile our way of life can...

In the past, fake ID’s have largely been associated with underage drinkers trying to get their...

“Extremely troubling,” is how one Arizona public safety officer described the small items in front...

If you have followed the news at all lately, you have likely heard that financial institutions of...

Scenario:A financial institution is opening a new branch, and is starting a major local PR blitz...

Every so often an identity fraud story comes along in the news that is not only impressive in its...

Criminals interpreted the American prospect of “making money” quite literally in the past month,...

As if it weren’t already difficult enough to verify identity documents, now comes a new wrinkle in...

Earlier this month, FraudFighter began providing advanced sample copies of our new Driver License...

We have mentioned in a number of previous posts the international nature of many counterfeit money...

How easy is it to create counterfeit money? Up until a few months ago, the Reid brothers would...

(Note: This is the second article in our series Best Practices for Counterfeit Detection. For the...

Want an entertaining dinner party activity? Ask people around the table if they know how to tell...

It is always a treat to hear from actual identity thieves: understandably they are not often...

A few days ago, I typed the words “Washed $100 Bill” into Google News, and below is the first page...

Go into any of tens of thousands of restaurants, bars or retail stores these days, and chances are...

In an interesting Nov 25th article in Time Magazine, author Lucien Chauvin describes how Peru has...

Recent articles in the Los Angeles Times and Inc. magazine discussed the release of a report from...

It has been somewhat of an open secret that North Korea is the single biggest manufacturer of...

We have talked in previous posts about international financial fraud as it relates to employment...

Money counterfeiting, as any other crime, doesn't stand still. Fraudsters continually evolve...

So far, we have been discussing the problem of counterfeiting only within the U.S., although it...

We mentioned previously the intaglio printing process that creates fine lines around the portraits...

(This is the third post in our counterfeit money series. The U.S. dollar printing machinery that...

As credit cards continue to supplant cash and checks as the preferred method of payment, credit...

We have mentioned here previously the new high-tech anti-counterfeitting features of the new $100,...

Big-box stores are a favorite target of fraudsters, because of the value of their products. So...

In another case highlighting just how widespread is the use of "washed notes", the Sacramento Bee...

Ever since this past winter, we have been hearing from all sorts of businesses that the East Coast...

Burden, or Benefit?

Casino environments are beset by opportunities to experience losses from counterfeit fraud....

Pity poor David Lipin. He cashed a $1000 USPS Money Order at a local post office and got a wad of...

A recent issue of “The Week” magazine gave a nice overview of counterfeit money. The article...

Part II of a Four-Part Procedure for Compliance with Identity Theft Prevention Requirements If your...

For years, fraudsters have been efficiently producing credible counterfeit money using nothing more...