Earlier this month, FraudFighter began providing advanced sample copies of our new Driver License UV Feature Reference Guide to select customers to get comment and feedback.
The results have been overwhelmingly positive. Recipients of the sample booklets have universally declared the new resource as being immesenly valuable to their transaction level employees, because it shows them exactly what they should look for when they are trying to verify a driver license.
As can be seen in this image of a sample page from the booklet, the new DL Guidebook shows a small image of each state's driver license together with a larger image of that license as it appears under UV light.

The book also includes a text description of the security feature, and in many cases, also has a description of the previous license design UV security feature.
If your business finds itself exposed to identity fraud losses or compliance issues as the result of false identity documents, the Fraud Fighter Driver LIcense UV Reference Guide may be for you! Single copies will be available starting at $9.99, with significant discounts for volume purchases or multi-year subscriptions.
Click here to inquire with one of our fraud prevention consultants about how you can begin using this important resource.