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Information up-to-date as of April 24, 2019.

You know it’s important to protect your business against fraud, but how do you protect your...

Increase Your Employees’ Productivity by Eliminating the Time-Consuming Task of Counting Money

The California DMV released its Real ID-compliant driver license and identification (ID) card on...

If you are in noncompliance with Form I-9 requirements, your business could pay a rather hefty...

Counterfeit money, of course, can be used to swindle real money and products from businesses, but...

Many states are changing driver's license and identification card designs in next two years - which...

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •Equifax Hack: The FactsHow Criminals Can Use This Stolen DataIdentity...

Image of a Series 1928 Federal Reserve Note • TABLE OF CONTENTS •A Brief Background on U.S....

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •Why You Need to be Vigilant about Checking MoneyNaked Eye vs. Counterfeit...

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •What is New Account Fraud?New Account Fraud StatsThe Link between Identity...

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •What is Card Shimming?Card Shimming vs. Card SkimmingWhat are CVVs?Why Cards...

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •What is Return Fraud?Return Fraud StatisticsWhy is Return Fraud such a Problem?

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •Consumer Behavior during the HolidaysHoliday 2015 Retail Stats ReviewHoliday...

On November 17, U.S. Secret Service revealed that $30 million in counterfeit money had been...

Traditionally, “skimming” meant secretly taking small amounts of money from a larger amount of...

October 1, 2016 was the first anniversary of EMV’s adoption by the United States. Businesses who...

Since the beginning of the year, 7 states have issued updated versions of state identification...

Chip-enabled (EMV) credit cards are designed to be more secure than magnetic stripe cards because...

An estimated 9 million American identities are stolen each year – it’s no wonder why identity theft...

Just a little over 5 months into 2016 and there are already multiple discoveries of counterfeit...

Ever since the signing of an armistice in 1953 that put a stop to the fighting in the Korean War,...

On April 20, Jacob J. Lew, the Secretary of the Treasury, announced that a redesign of the $20 bill...

For decades, Colombia was known as the world leader in counterfeit money production. For the last...

If preliminary estimates hold steady, the amount of fraud victims and the total amount lost to...

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve probably noticed something: the rapid rise of...

According to a March 11, 2015 Secret Service estimate, 0.25% of money that is currently in...

For most, the start of a new year is a time to reflect on goals and positive changes. It is when...

Can you tell which twenty is fake? The twenty on top is real and the twenty on the bottom is...

Photo by Whym via Wikimedia Commons
Still sleeping off Thanksgiving dinner? Shopped 'til you dropped? Making your way back home after...

It was only a decade ago that we lived in a 4G-less world – at an intersection of equal parts...

Traditionally, the day after Halloween has been reserved for the Catholic observance of All Saints’...

A criminal that has your information can take over your life in a variety of different ways: he...

On October 9, Spanish newspaper El País reported that state lawyers representing Spain’s Treasury...

In short, yes, you should be worried – but not too much.

Before the advent of the internet, global electronic communications, and online databases, it was a...

In the previous post, we discussed what EMV and the fraud liability shift are as well as how it...

You may have noticed that new debit cards and credit cards are being issued with a visible...

Like most millennials, if you left college tens of thousands of dollars in debt with looming...

FraudFighter has always had the goal of providing its clients with the best possible product at the...