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Allie Roberts

Allie Roberts

Allie Roberts is a content writer at Fraud Fighter with a focus on new fraud trends, identity authentication solutions, and counterfeit detection. Her articles aim to help businesses realize and reduce their susceptibility to fraud.
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See You at IGA 2025

The countdown is on! IGA 2025 is set for March 31 – April 3, 2025, at the San Diego Convention...
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The Digital ID Revolution: The Promise of mDLs

Remember when a driver’s license was just a piece of plastic in your wallet? Those days may soon be...
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FTC Reports $12.5 Billion in Fraud Losses

If you thought losing your phone was bad, imagine losing your entire identity. That’s what...
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Get Ready for WIGC 2025!

If you're in the tribal gaming world, you don’t want to miss the 27th Annual Western Indian Gaming...
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Protecting Identity When Data Leaks Have Become the New Norm

Data leaks are no longer isolated incidents; they’ve regretfully become a recurring headline in the...
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Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Rental Equipment Safe from Theft and Fraud

No one wants to face a significant loss, especially in the equipment rental industry where the...
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Do you need fraud prevention at your equipment rental business?

You might be asking yourself; do I really need to pay for another service? Sometimes it seems like...
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3 Best Fraud Prevention Practices for Dealerships

The reality is identity fraud has and will continue to rise. Over recent years, we have seen...
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The Shocking Truth About Unsecure Contractor Hiring Sites

In today's digital age, hiring a contractor for home improvement projects has become easier than...
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Unmasking the Danger: How Synthetic IDs Pose a Threat to Gun Shops

Fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods, making it ever more essential...
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The Alarming Rise of Car Theft Due to Fraud

Car theft has been a persistent issue for decades, causing significant financial losses and...
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PALIDIN: DMV Check Add-on

PALIDINDMV, a Driver’s License (DL) data verification check spanning 40 states, is now available as...
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Fake IDs run rampant in the USA

IDscan.net recently released a report, Fake ID Report 2023, which reveals crucial insights into the...
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How Fraud Affected Consumers and Businesses Alike in 2022

Nearing the end of Q2 in 2023, it seems like fraud is already abundant. T-Mobile had yet another ...
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Why Identity Theft Cases Continue to Rise

Identity theft cases are on the rise. Again. Year after year cases continue to skyrocket and are...
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Identity Authentication Guide for Notary Publics

What is a Notary Public?
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How Fraudsters steal IDs, credit cards, and your profits.

Fraudsters continue to use various nefarious methods to defraud liquor businesses and consumers...
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Avoid the Negative Surprise! of Surprise Compliance Checks

Keep your liquor store on the right side of law enforcement.
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Tricked into selling to minors? Protect your business from Fake IDs

Underage drinking. We all know it’s a problem, but how prevalent is it really? According to the USA
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Who’s Renting Your Vehicle? – The Importance of “KYC”

A customer walks up to your front desk. They flash an ID and hand over a credit card displaying the...
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Differentiating Your Business as a SECURE Auto Rental Company

To stay competitive in the Auto Rental Industry it is essential that the renting process is fast,...
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Cash Bleaching – Fraudulent Bills Run Rampant

The scenario: A fraudster acquires large amounts of real $1 bills. He then goes through the process...
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The Dangers of “Buy Online, Pickup in Store”

“Buy online, pickup in store” (BOPIS) has become ubiquitous. According to an article by Digital...
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Synthetic Identity Fraud

What is Synthetic Identity Fraud?
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UVeritech’s ULED-2000 Helps You Fight Fraud and Your Electricity Bill

Counterfeit detection continues to be one of the most crucial steps a brick-n-mortar operation can...
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4 Ways to Mitigate Fraud While Maintaining Customer Satisfaction

One of the most vital questions that confront managers of public-facing operations today concerns...
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What’s Cash Got To Do With 2022?

Enter 2022. The technological landscape is ever evolving and with it, payment methods. More and...
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The Best Way for Your Business to Avoid Credit Card Fraud?

Just how prevalent is Credit Card Fraud today? The Federal Trade Commission’s Annual Data Book of...
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Why PALIDIN Requires a SELFIE for Remote Transactions

When you think about the selfie, your first thought likely is not about how useful it can be in the...
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Selling high value products online? ID Authentication can protect your business

As our world continues to shift further into the realm of the internet, so do our buying habits. A...
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How PALIDIN Helps Luxury Retailers Prevent Identity Theft Related Losses

The customer standing in front of you seems like a safe bet; they have an ID document with a photo...
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The 3 Most Prevalent Issues E-Commerce Retailers Face in Fraud Prevention

When polled to reveal the top three issues facing M-Commerce and E-Commerce retailers regarding...
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How Retail Fraud Has Increased in the Wake of COVID-19

Retailers of all types face the inescapable reality that transactional fraud has been on the rise...