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The countdown is on! IGA 2025 is set for March 31 – April 3, 2025, at the San Diego Convention...

Remember when a driver’s license was just a piece of plastic in your wallet? Those days may soon be...

If you thought losing your phone was bad, imagine losing your entire identity. That’s what...

If you're in the tribal gaming world, you don’t want to miss the 27th Annual Western Indian Gaming...

Data leaks are no longer isolated incidents; they’ve regretfully become a recurring headline in the...

No one wants to face a significant loss, especially in the equipment rental industry where the...

You might be asking yourself; do I really need to pay for another service? Sometimes it seems like...

The reality is identity fraud has and will continue to rise. Over recent years, we have seen...

In today's digital age, hiring a contractor for home improvement projects has become easier than...

Fraudsters are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods, making it ever more essential...

Car theft has been a persistent issue for decades, causing significant financial losses and...

PALIDINDMV, a Driver’s License (DL) data verification check spanning 40 states, is now available as... recently released a report, Fake ID Report 2023, which reveals crucial insights into the...

Nearing the end of Q2 in 2023, it seems like fraud is already abundant. T-Mobile had yet another ...

Identity theft cases are on the rise. Again. Year after year cases continue to skyrocket and are...

What is a Notary Public?

Fraudsters continue to use various nefarious methods to defraud liquor businesses and consumers...

Keep your liquor store on the right side of law enforcement.

Underage drinking. We all know it’s a problem, but how prevalent is it really? According to the USA

A customer walks up to your front desk. They flash an ID and hand over a credit card displaying the...

To stay competitive in the Auto Rental Industry it is essential that the renting process is fast,...

The scenario: A fraudster acquires large amounts of real $1 bills. He then goes through the process...

“Buy online, pickup in store” (BOPIS) has become ubiquitous. According to an article by Digital...

Counterfeit detection continues to be one of the most crucial steps a brick-n-mortar operation can...

One of the most vital questions that confront managers of public-facing operations today concerns...

Enter 2022. The technological landscape is ever evolving and with it, payment methods. More and...

Just how prevalent is Credit Card Fraud today? The Federal Trade Commission’s Annual Data Book of...

When you think about the selfie, your first thought likely is not about how useful it can be in the...

As our world continues to shift further into the realm of the internet, so do our buying habits. A...

The customer standing in front of you seems like a safe bet; they have an ID document with a photo...

When polled to reveal the top three issues facing M-Commerce and E-Commerce retailers regarding...

Retailers of all types face the inescapable reality that transactional fraud has been on the rise...