currency news

If you're in the tribal gaming world, you don’t want to miss the 27th Annual Western Indian Gaming...

The scenario: A fraudster acquires large amounts of real $1 bills. He then goes through the process...

Countries around the world are designing ever-more intricate (and beautiful!) UV security features...

As of this writing in early March 2021, COVID19 vaccine deployments have given society a proverbial...

It is often said that the act of counterfeiting money is as old as money itself. No matter the type...

Image of a Series 1928 Federal Reserve Note • TABLE OF CONTENTS •A Brief Background on U.S....

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •What does the future of financial services look like?Millennials Seriously...

Ever since the signing of an armistice in 1953 that put a stop to the fighting in the Korean War,...

On April 20, Jacob J. Lew, the Secretary of the Treasury, announced that a redesign of the $20 bill...

Recently, a news story was featured on CBS 2 News Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that highlights the...

Black market websites, located in the “deep web” are known for supplying sophisticated criminals-...

Reports Already Coming-In about the New $100 note "falling apart'

Fluorescent Security Feature On New $100 to be Identical to Previous $100 Bill, Only Better.

I really can't give the Federal Reserve or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing a hard time. The...

I read an interesting Article yesterday on Motley Fool, one of the sites where I go for relevant...

Judging by the number of Google searches devoted to it, counterfeit money continues to be a big...

Criminals interpreted the American prospect of “making money” quite literally in the past month,...

A few days ago, I typed the words “Washed $100 Bill” into Google News, and below is the first page...

Recent articles in the Los Angeles Times and Inc. magazine discussed the release of a report from...

We mentioned previously the intaglio printing process that creates fine lines around the portraits...

Pity poor David Lipin. He cashed a $1000 USPS Money Order at a local post office and got a wad of...

A recent issue of “The Week” magazine gave a nice overview of counterfeit money. The article...