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currency news

time 1 minute read

Get Ready for WIGC 2025!

If you're in the tribal gaming world, you don’t want to miss the 27th Annual Western Indian Gaming...
time 3 minute read

Cash Bleaching – Fraudulent Bills Run Rampant

The scenario: A fraudster acquires large amounts of real $1 bills. He then goes through the process...
time 2 minute read

Why UV Counterfeit Detection Continues to Be an Effective Solution

Countries around the world are designing ever-more intricate (and beautiful!) UV security features...
time 4 minute read

When do we return to the bad-old-days of normal fraud?

As of this writing in early March 2021, COVID19 vaccine deployments have given society a proverbial...
time 7 minute read

The Future of the U.S. Dollar & How it Might Affect Your Business

It is often said that the act of counterfeiting money is as old as money itself. No matter the type...
time 19 minute read

How to Authenticate Older Banknotes

Image of a Series 1928 Federal Reserve Note • TABLE OF CONTENTS •A Brief Background on U.S....
time 4 minute read

Millennials & Banking

• TABLE OF CONTENTS •What does the future of financial services look like?Millennials Seriously...
time 10 minute read

The North Korean Supernote Problem

Ever since the signing of an armistice in 1953 that put a stop to the fighting in the Korean War,...
time 5 minute read

Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill & the Redesigns of the $5 Bill and $10 Bill

On April 20, Jacob J. Lew, the Secretary of the Treasury, announced that a redesign of the $20 bill...
time 1 minute read

Counterfeit Money Hits Small Towns

Recently, a news story was featured on CBS 2 News Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that highlights the...
time 2 minute read

Sept 03, 2014 - Counterfeit Currency: Emerging into the Open Web

Black market websites, located in the “deep web” are known for supplying sophisticated criminals-...
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Nov 13, 2013 - Will the New $100 Need to be Recalled?

Reports Already Coming-In about the New $100 note "falling apart'
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Aug. 21, 2013 – New $100 Bill: Bigger, Brighter, Better UV Feature

Fluorescent Security Feature On New $100 to be Identical to Previous $100 Bill, Only Better.
time 1 minute read

Apr 25, 2013 - Second Time's The Charm? New $100 Release Date

I really can't give the Federal Reserve or the Bureau of Engraving and Printing a hard time. The...
time 2 minute read

Apr 24, 2013 - Death to Counterfeit; Those were the days!

I read an interesting Article yesterday on Motley Fool, one of the sites where I go for relevant...
time 4 minute read

Detecting Counterfeit Money

Judging by the number of Google searches devoted to it, counterfeit money continues to be a big...
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Counterfeit Money News - August

Criminals interpreted the American prospect of “making money” quite literally in the past month,...
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Detecting Counterfeit Money: Washed Note Counterfeits

A few days ago, I typed the words “Washed $100 Bill” into Google News, and below is the first page...
time 1 minute read

Counterfeit Money Increases 130%

Recent articles in the Los Angeles Times and Inc. magazine discussed the release of a report from...
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Detecting Counterfeit Money, Part IV: Intaglio Printing

We mentioned previously the intaglio printing process that creates fine lines around the portraits...
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The Burden of Counterfeit Money

Pity poor David Lipin. He cashed a $1000 USPS Money Order at a local post office and got a wad of...
time 1 minute read

Counterfeit Money: Past & Present

A recent issue of “The Week” magazine gave a nice overview of counterfeit money. The article...