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Recent fraud events demonstrate how a business’ reliance just on DATA to verify customer identity...

A new March 29, 2022 report by Javelin Research revealed that identity fraudsters continue to steal...

This article addresses the ongoing epidemic of vehicle thefts in this country, first citing...

How "Know-Your-Customer" (KYC) can be a Jackpot for the Online Gaming industry

You detected counterfeit bills in the back office? Great! But it’s too late…

What to do when they win! ID authentication should be a fundamental step anytime a “qualifying...

Online gaming had been growing steadily over the past 10-15 years, but the COVID-19 pandemic threw...

When the term “Identity Theft” is brought up in conversation, our thoughts usually jump to the pain...

In the restaurant biz, CCPs or "Critical Control Points" are key individual steps in the food...

Incumbent banking institutions have emerged out of the pandemic to a landscape scattered with...

As of this writing in June 2021, fraud and cyber crimes are running rampant and unabated throughout...

Trust what we cannot see? The best security might be completely invisible and hands-off to us, with...

At this point, the concept of identity theft has thoroughly pervaded our popular lexicon and...

As of this writing in early March 2021, COVID19 vaccine deployments have given society a proverbial...

Ah, the Selfie. Equal parts necessary vacation documenter to cringe worthy "maybe that wasn't such...