Ah, the Selfie. Equal parts necessary vacation documenter to cringe worthy "maybe that wasn't such a good idea last night" observer.
Let's face it, these days without the selfie you can't prove you did that epic two mile hike up to that scenic peak. Nor would you have any bonafides that you got into that exclusive club or show.
Just as we might grumble that the Selfie is now a ubiquitous and accepted act within our daily lives, imagine the debates that must have raged within the hallowed halls of the Oxford University Press before begrudging acceptance of that noun into its pages.
Selfies can surely be an eye rolling, strained face producing, path-blocking picture taking, bane to polite society.
But as a powerful tool against Fraud?
New Environment, Vital Solutions
As a vast understatement, the past year has been challenging across the entire spectrum of... life. Specifically within the business context, companies have had to frantically adjust their internal operations and develop alternative means to transact with customers.
Traditional businesses reliant on face-to-face engagement, a handshake, and a signature on the dotted line have had to pivot to keep the doors open.
How do your customers shop and buy a car if they're not sitting next to a salesperson in a test drive? How do you calmly assuage concerns while reviewing a 100 page escrow document before your clients commit to a 30-year mortgage or a long term life insurance plan?
Beyond new transaction methods, emergent security questions and concerns are just as pressing. In a virtual online or phone transaction, how do I know who's on the other side doing the buying? Are we being scammed? Are we enabling fraudsters to scam an identity theft victim? What are our risks? What's our liability?
More than ever, companies need to ensure their security, all while keeping the wheels of commerce spinning. If only there was a way to know your customer without them being physically there...?
Enter the selfie as a legitimate identity verification cross-check and a powerful pre-transaction deterrent from fraud.
Of course, selfies on their own aren't the impenetrable wall standing between you and criminals. As with any security best practice today (and prize winning chili recipes), selfies are but one component in a multi-layered stack of measures and methods that formulate a comprehensive security solution (or recipe).
To start, for selfies to be a contributor to ensuring valid identity authentication and secure transactions, a good image has to be taken.
Something like this: 
Or like this: 
But no, not like this: 
And never this: 
By providing a selfie in a remote transaction, in conjunction with a scanned, submitted, and verified-as-authentic government issued ID, a customer validates their identity via a "live" security cross-check within the transaction process.
Further, and maybe even more impactful, the deliberate act of taking the selfie provides a sober moment of introspection and (likely) deterrence to the fraudster, knowing that they're shining a blazing light of transparency and truth onto their nefarious act.
Agile to your needs, Rigorous throughout
Uveritech's PALIDIN represents a comprehensive Identity Authentication solution that layers in selfies within a dynamic security methodology that fits your needs and specific transaction types.
The security methodology surrounding a high value automobile, artwork, or jewelry transaction will of course be distinct from an online order and pickup of a household lamp or coffee table. The documentation requirements to transfer $1,000 to a family member are understandably ramped up to scale when applying for a mortgage or withdrawing from a 401(k).
Just as you and your business work hard to adapt to your customer's varying needs and expectations, our solution flexes with your requirements -- incorporating best in class hardware (image scanners, data readers, UV detectors) with the deepest government ID document repository available -- all which can be configured with mobile usage and access options that work the way you do.
Contact us to learn more about how we've helped businesses like yours fight fraud and best serve their customers in today's evolving environment.