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employee verification

time 6 minute read

Why All Businesses Should Take Heed of the 7-Eleven ICE Raid

If you are in noncompliance with Form I-9 requirements, your business could pay a rather hefty...
time 2 minute read

Increase Transaction Security Through Identity Verification

Accurate identification papers are essential to safeguarding financial and legal transactions as...
time 2 minute read

Anatomy of Retail Fraud - $10,000 Inside Theft by LP Manager

Anyone that has been in retail for any length of time knows that protecting your company's assets...
time 2 minute read

Why eVerify Cannot Prevent Identity Theft

In a recent speech to the GOP faithful, Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney held up Arizona’s...
time 2 minute read

How ID Authentication can help the war against terrorism

The world has changed much since September 11, 2001. Awareness of how fragile our way of life can...
time 1 minute read

A New Chinese Counterfeit Problem: Fake Driver Licenses

As if it weren’t already difficult enough to verify identity documents, now comes a new wrinkle in...