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Identity Theft Victims May Know The Culprits

Sean Trundy

Identity Theft Victims May Know The CulpritsWe often assume that major identity theft issues come from data breaches or scammers - but have you ever considered that you could know the culprit? Tracy, a healthcare worker from Kentucky, first caught wind of her identity being stolen when someone used her Social Security number to open new credit cards. The person racked up thousands in debt and some was sent to collections. The catch here is that the culprit who stole Tracy's identity was her own husband

He has since admitted to the crime and the couple has divorced. Although identity theft by data breach is the more common reality, this concept of "familiar fraud" is not unusual. In 2014, 550,000 individuals reported that their fraud or identity theft was committed by someone they knew. Family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, or even employees may be potential culprits. Keep your personal information private and be vigilant and watchful of anything suspicious.

Click here to read the full article by Kelli B. Grant for CNBC.

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